I am very delighted to communicate to you, through this page and to take you with us in our rapid stride forward in the field of education. For ages education has had to do chiefly with the memory. This faculty has been taxed to the utmost, while the other mental powers have not been correspondingly developed. Students have spent their time in laboriously crowding the mind with knowledge, very little of which could be utilized.
The mind thus burdened with that which it cannot digest and assimilate is weakened; it becomes incapable of vigorous, self-reliant effort, and is content to depend on the judgment and perception of others.
Seeing the evils of this method, some have gone to another extreme. In their view, man needs only to develop that which is within him. Such education leads the student self-sufficiency, thus cutting him off from the source of true knowledge and power.
It is to balance between these two extremes that we have succeeded and stand apart from the rest. Our students as they pass through our portals of education discover the potential that they are bestowed with at the same time develops the essential ability to acquire knowledge
As we march ahead, let us continue to place our trust in each other so that tomorrow our children may realize our today’s dreams.
Mr. Devaraj . M.A.,M.Ed..